Multiple constructors an anti-pattern?

I was attempting to decorate the HttpContextFactory in an AspNetCore project to to add features to the HttpContext at the time of its creation. I was able to perform the decoration in the Microsoft dependency injection framework using Scrutor in the project's Startup.cs file. It looked something like this:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.Decorate<IHttpContextFactory, DecoratingHttpContextFactory>();

I encountered a null reference exception later though because the HttpContext property of the IHttpContextAccessor was never assigned. Line 41 of the HttpContextFactory is where this assignment would have been performed:

if (_httpContextAccessor != null)
    _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext = httpContext;

You can also see that _httpContextAccessor is assigned on line 30 in the constructor. After some debugging I was able to conclude that the instantiation of the HttpContextFactory when the Microsoft dependency injection framework is given services.AddTransient<IHttpContextFactory,HttpContextFactory>(); on line 290 of the WebHostBuilder class is different from the way Scrutor chooses how to instantiate the class after I use the Decorate method. They have different strategies for picking which class constructor to use. Scrutor appears to choose the first constructor whose arguments can be supplied. Because the HttpContextFactory has two constructors, Scrutor picked

public HttpContextFactory(IOptions<FormOptions> formOptions)
    : this(formOptions, httpContextAccessor: null)

The solution is fairly simple. Among many options you could just specify the constructor you want to use in the dependency injection framework like:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddTransient<IHttpContextFactory>(sp =>
        var formsOptions = sp.GetService<IOptions<FormOptions>>();
        var httpContextAccessor = sp.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>();
        var httpContextFactory = new HttpContextFactory(formsOptions, httpContextAccessor);
        return new DecoratingHttpContextFactory(httpContextFactory);

But more interestingly, it occurred to me that since I started using Test Driven Development, I can't remember the last time I used more than one constructor in a class that I also used in the dependency injector. Now there are some qualifiers like I've made internal constructors for the purpose of instantiating a class specifically for a test scenarios (I've since abandoned this practice), and I've had to include multiple constructors to help with serialization when I've implemented ISerializable. But in that last example, that was done primarily for Data Transfer Object (DTO) kinds of classes, classes that are more data structures than collections of behaviors. And I can't recall ever injecting a class like that using a dependency injection framework.

Essentially since I started using TDD, my classes have a single responsibility which I don't think lends to scenarios where more than one constructor would be helpful. The behavior of the HttpContextFactory in particular is a good example of what I'm suggesting is a problem. How does the Create method behave? It may or may not assign the newly created HttpContext to an IHttpContextAccessor instance. You don't know unless you also know how it was constructed. If for some reason you didn't want to use the HttpContextAccessor implementation as is certainly implied in both the HttpContextFactory implementation and the AddHttpContextAccessor extension method for IServiceCollection, then perhaps you could have employed the Null Object pattern for an implementation of the IHttpContextAccessor. Or perhaps they chose to optionally deal with an IHttpContextAccessor to maintain backwards compatibility. If that was the case then they could have done what I did with the decorator patter and wrapped the original HttpContextFactory with an implementation that also assigns the HttpContext to the HttpContextAccessor. They could have used the AddHttpContextAccessor extension method to register this decorator class.

In conclusion, it appears to me that the HttpContextAccessor does too much, and its behavior is dependent on which constructor you choose. Having multiple constructors, particularly if they affect behavior (is there any other kind?), seems to me to defeat much of the benefit of a good dependency injection framework. I shouldn't have to know which constructor will be used, and I won't have to know if there's only one constructor.